Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Tenses yang umum digunakan


Pada dasarnya untuk bisa bahasa inggris tidak selalu bergantung pada grammar karena  ketika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita berbicara tidak selalu berhubungan dengan tatabahasa "grammar" digunakan  .

Nah disini gue pengen sharing ke kalian semua , Sebenernya sih tenses itu ada 17 yah totalnya tapi biar ga pusing kita fokusin dulu ke 8 tenses yang UMUM DIGUNAKAN yaitu :

1.Simple Present Tense
2.Present Continuous Tense
3Simple Future Tense 
4.Simple Past Tense
5.Present Perfect Tense 
6.Past Continuous Tense 
7.Past Perfect Tense
8.Future Continuous Tense 

Sebenernya kenapa sih gue pilih 8 tenses aja ???  karena sebenarnya yang sisanya itu fungsinya bisa saling menggatikan  ,,, jadi maksud gue gini dari 8 tenses itu aja ada yang  fungsinya bisa saling menggantikan ... Bisa tebak ga lo ?? 

jadi gue ambil contoh simple past tense dengan past continuous  ,,dari 2 tenses ini sebenernya mereka itu saling menggatikan kan ? Iya kan ? Iya dong ? iyalah soalnya 2 tenses itu sama-sama menjelaskan suatu kejadian dimasa lampau , sama aja kan ??  jadi intinya itu-itu aja kan :) 

So,disini  gue bakal kasih lo beberapa kalimat dari 8 tenses itu ,,tapi gue sengaja ga kasih lo pattern /polanya ,,, karna gue ingin lo belajar bahasa juga seharusnya pake konsep ,jadi lo belajar konsep ga cuma di matematika fisika kimia dan lain sebagiannya . Jadi gue pengen lo liat dari kalimat yang udah gue bikin ,, lo perhatiin baik-baik setidaknya kalo lo masih binggung sama polanya lo ngerti dulu aja kapan tenses itu digunain dan untuk apa ,kalo masalah pola lo bisa aja searching atau beli bukunya kek banyak ditoko buku ,, Inget ! ga ada usaha yang sia-sia .Oh iya gue juga mau Ingetin nih kalo belajar grammar doang ga cukup yah to improve your english ,jadi lo disamping memahami grammar lo juga harus mulai terbiasa untuk listening sama speaking karena ujung ujungnyanya kita belajar bahasa buat ngomong kan ?? 
So,Let's speak english together 

1.Simple Present Tense

I see some people whom play football in front of my house
He sees his father goes to the office every day

I buy  some manure for my flower every Sunday
He buys new ball to improve his skill

2.Present Continous Tense

They are seeing their family who are discussing about schedule
She is seeing her boyfriend with another girl

They are buying some marker for write the assigment on teh board
She is buying newspaper for her mother

3.Simple Future Tense

We will see our new teacher tomorrow
He will see Taylor Swift on her cocert next week

We will buy 2 pencils and eraser next Sunday
He will buy new smartphone for his brother

4.Simple Past Tense

I saw her at the restaurant with her family last night
She saw my bag in classroom yesterday

I bought some food for my friend 2 days ago
She bought new novels at Gramedia Bookstore

5.Present Perfect Tense

You have seen your sister for 2 hours
He has seen his new friend since 2014

You have bought fruits at the market for 3 hours
He has bought his t-shirt since 2012

6.Past Continous Tense

They were seeing softball match when my father called
He was seeing the scene when his brother slept

While she was buying  fried chicken ,the bird flown
We were buying new car when my mother went

7.Past Perfect Tense

You had seen football match at Sijalak Harupat before i visited my grandmother’s house
After He had seen his old friend ,he went to the hospital

We had bought the iron before i met my sister
I sold my t-shirt after she had bought a new bag

8.Future Continous tense

He will be seeing circus with his father next month
They  are going to be seeing  javajazz festival next years

You will be buying a new motorcycle the day after tomorrow
She is going to be buying some uniform tomorrow

Kalo masih bingung bisa tanya aja langsung ke gue :) 


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